
Memoria de Grado


Siempre se intenta buscar los significados en el movimiento y la quietud del cuerpo. Esta idea se logra relacionar en las clases de dibujo con los conceptos de composición en las teorías de Wassily, donde el ritmo es protagonista y organizador de los elementos que comprehenden el producto artístico a elaborase como resultado de este proyecto. Esta idea será aplicada en algunas manifestaciones artísticas, que utilizan al cuerpo como un lenguaje. Entender la vida y lo cotidiano como algo poético, ha dado lugar para que elementos como las plantas, la naturaleza misma y los símbolos en el arte, sean catapultas para que la danza y el performance funcionen a su vez como propuestas metafóricas de actividades que día a día rinden tributo al tiempo precolombino, entendido en la línea espiral.

En este trabajo de disertación, durante el reconocimiento del terreno, se pretende estudiar desde la argumentación de la siguiente consigna: la danza y la poética, son la imagen de la vida y juntas, han pretendido realizarse como una sustancia de opciones mecánicas, físicas y sensibles. La danza y la poética, prácticas, llevadas hacia lo vano, lo banal y lo instrumental; ahora como instrumento, se convierten en la acción fecunda de ser. Posterior a haber sido una larva y ser una esencial mariposa oculta tras su crisálida, la imagen poética es una persona surcada entre la arena, un ser de la tierra y oculta bajo los profundos pozos de piedras talladas, entre los vastos escenarios que conforman a la Pangea continental.

A continuación el link con acceso directo:



¡Salvemos a la naturaleza! Me preocupa que no ahorremos energía eléctrica, porque al no ahorrar energía eléctrica desperdiciamos la energía hidráulica que es la principal corriente que provee de luz a todo mi país y al parecer a todo el mundo... ¿A todo el mundo? me dirán que el mundo no se abastece en su totalidad de energía hidráulica, pero no me refiero a la e~ eléctrica, me refiero a las luces que nos permiten ser una corriente de conciencia; me refiero a la vida, esa luz, es a la luz que dejo a ustedes en cuestión. Pido conciencia, gestión y vías de autosustento. Ahorremos energía porque hay suficiente y no gestionemos la destrucción de aquellos nichos que nos brindan de luz-vital, vital-luz para plantas y millones de especies, aquellos animales y aquellas corrientes fluviales, luz para nuestras actividades eco-culturales. Es cuantioso el terreno-topográfico que sería mutilado en su paisaje, son 18 ríos en cuestión y vendrán más; exagerando, serían 18 mil millones de millares de infinitos que podrías perder sino encuentras alternativas ecológicas. Para nuestro consumo de luz eléctrica, se recomienda esperar que la lavadora se llene para lavar... y si olvidamos la refrigeradora abierta contribuye a la destrucción de la capa de ozono y... si no desconectamos nuestros aparatos domésticos, ellos siguen consumiendo energía e~; continúo, si no explicamos al mundo que el común civil ciudadano o quizás, todos, preferimos tantísimo más... ¡un terreno para caminar que sea natural! y ¡no centrales de un kilómetro de alto, que evitarían que tengamos la visión ancestral! continúo... ¿prefieren acaso vivir de luz artificial? ¿antes que una luz solar sana? Luz que atraviesa nuestras hermosas capas de nube gris, aquel tronco alto y esbelto, su follaje de hojas, la vida vegetal, la vida misma y luego un suelo fértil, donde se encuentra la espalda de un mamífero, hermano... Continúo, que ahora estén en paz estos mamíferos es porque este lobito ha estado consumiendo alimento en su ciclo natural por generaciones y en su ciclo natural ha casado a sus presas naturalmente, presas que siempre han sido su fuente de supervivencia. Ellos estuvieron antes que nosotros, siempre y ¡si! repito... que la corriente de energía hidráulica es aquella que naturalmente fluye por mis venas y... ¡Sí! repito, ...ella ha estado siempre como provisión vital para mis hermanos/ñaños, padres, abuelos, bis y tátara... y... ¡si! vital para la vida hidráulica de mis ancestros y... sí para terminar aclaro que hidráulico no de energía, sino de hidráulico de mis fluidos sanguíneos, fuego de mi cuerpo, energía de mis cabellos y energía eólica, brisa de mis ojos, la luz que corre tras los ojos de un lobo, lobo corriendo, globo llorando, globo corriendo por las venas de tu infinito y un abismal horizonte geográfico.


Motivation to run a 15 km (9.3 miles) race

Day 1 STEPS:
<Enjoy your new word:

  1. "Motivation"
  2. Find shoes for the city's pavement
  3. Dream with your silent spot 3 am in the morning
  4. Enjoy you no-smog run 4:30-5:30 am in the morning

Day 2 Steps:

  1. Feel disgrace
  2. Enjoy a fight
  3. Find a way to undo the fight
  4. Miss that old relationship
  5. Enjoy a 11 pm run to the city central park were you will find yourself fighting with the taxicab who is about to roll you over. 
  6. Enjoy the left space of the avenue were there are no dangerous taxicabs who want to roll you over.
Day 3 Steps:

  1. Fail and find out your life is partly confined to have a herniated disc.
  2. Quiropracter and boom°

Day 4 Steps:
translate an old dream into a present dream..


Metropolis as usual famine

For years politicians have run through the steps of thousands of individuals who are to face death and hunger.  The saying would be: "The voice of the social class inside the physical tallest man." There are a thousand words of reasoning for which to tell that there is not a single place to stay and to say that there is neither a path nor a choice.  Nothing left to a singularity, always to be at place on the podium to be included. There is a liberal step-through to the same place to a single circle and were there is nothing to be argued and were ego is and maybe a fact of a "not saying" inside that same parthenon.
Talking by the fact of "facts" by some steps and other facts to follow organically, leading to places were there are only deep voices of the wording "to be" and only by steps which follow the word "hunger" which will only stay there to the will of staying and not on the only saving point to the only greek world placing the word of the "placing-place".
My place? Today I will say that my "place" comes from the ideal of blossoming, the first real point to decide the spot... An epic war for nobody, do you know?  To which people run towards to in, inside to be and to the reach of explanatory wording inside the "fact" of hunger and there is the inside-mind where it comes to be on the reach of a bird, which is to be taken through the chest.
There is a phrased spirit oppressed for its villainy of the chosen inside rational stepping through and in its treacherous path of the same word of "choice", only to steal the rice and oat from all the steps of dialogue.
There are three main distinguishing points in mind for the first ideal to which I succeed in the new world of mindless social height today; therefore, in a place of randomness it is to be the name on the table ("poner las cartas sobre la mesa") which I have always be allowed too and to become one.  To feel free inside a virtual fortress.  Randomness for you to be the first person on my mind to be excluded, to be instead my friend for it is your mind to be foreseen.  Nurture and a pass through and the all knowing in my words and my worlds that are here for a choice of seeding "inside" a single human mind. 
To be printed and nothing to be established  at the table of ideologies.
There are the  three words of blankness, to be worded today and its: freedom to be the "path", "wonderment" which it is used to be explained the wonderment inside the "blankness".


Event # 4: Basketball, The Sport

Today Tuesday, November 22, 2011, I went to watch the basketball game between the Briar Cliff – Chargers against the Doane – Tigers.
During its development I was sitting next to a neighbor from the residence and I was able to recognize some of my life aspects that I had not remember from childhood (when I used to play basketball).
At the beginning, our team the Chargers was really good and we were up for more than 12 points.  Later on, the team got distracted and maybe overconfident, we begin to fail on the scoring and the other team began to catch up. By the second half, the Tigers had catch up, and after a while they were with more than 20 points ahead.  
Thanks to the game, I remembered how special is the relationship between each one of the teammates  (between them and also with coach).
As the plot of the game went on, I was able to see how the players placed all their energy in their shots and passes, and how each one of them created a unique conception of a game inside their minds.  In their eyes the objective was focused in scoring, but outside of it, the mind of the players was at other place.  Some of them, were probably thinking about the coach’s pressure, feeling the directions of his voice on their minds.  Others were maybe thinking about their relationship to the audience, to their team or to their family and friends who were at the bleachers.  Others, perhaps moved to their future success as basketball players, they even thought about their physical world and their connection to the ball.  
This and much more, connected the 31 individuals with their teams.  Inside a place where millions of feelings were all carried by a single ball.
In every second and every point, there was a pursued experience of sports and there is an achieved feeling of timelessness during action.
At the end when the players are inside the court, the only thing that matters is the satisfaction of making the sport happen.  Your goal becomes nothing else but the connection of your team against your opponent’s.


Is Francis's Stigmata an example of a miracle or is it false? Think about your answer and give the opposite response

It is a false assertion because there is no way a human can get injuries without having some physical interaction with his/her surrounding.  Still, a stigmata is something we read and hear about.  As a person who believes in science, in proofs and in eye witness I think that this kind of stories will just confuse people and leave them unstable.  Myths are created by stories that appear obscure and unreasonable.  A temporal definition of truth is: reality exposed by the being that agrees with the present facts (internal or external) plus one or several imposition aim.  It might or it might not have an aim but it might only be ego.  Truth is only what humans live by their own and until nothing supernatural occurs to them myths will be unreal.  For the same reason I believe only in experience and logical explanations.  I cannot speak clearly about this subject for the same reason that it is something subjective.  Maybe someone invented the story which became a legend, then a myth, a passion, and  the passion a later becomes a stigmata that will later go back to a myth.  Another probable explanation is that some bad people inflicted the stigmata to him and for his passion, faith and devotion, Saint Francis did not spoke about them.  After this, the people inspired for his relationship to Jesus Christ wrote that his wounds had appeared magically.